Dynamic 1-day Digital Healthcare events for chronic & respiratory diseases:

Build confidence, learn how to empower, care & self-manage together

Are we ready for the newdigital health era?

Artificial Intelligence, Bigdata, IoT … what do they mean? How are they related to our health ?

Tele-care is part of many healthservices and our connectedness is  already making it easier to communicate directly online with healthcare professionals and other patients in shared spaces ,to discuss our illness: how to manage it better, how well we use inhalers and what is around in an app or a wearable that can measure our heart rate, our fitness and even our insulin levels if we have diabetes.

But how does this really help us or a member of our family who suffers from a chronic condition to cope better?. As a healthcare professional working closely with patients, can we learn how better to support our patients?Can we help them to make changes to their lifestyle when they are diagnosed with COPD, heart conditions or diabetes and other illnesses where their quality of life is changed  ad they need more care and help in day to day life?

Do patients and professionals understand how they can engage better as professionals to work with patients in self management and get more active to improve their health and wellness?

Do patients understand how their health data can be shared, used in research to bring new treatments and therapies for their disease and even personal solutions or test tools which can work for them?

As a healthcare professional working closely with patients we invite you to join us in an interactive workshop. Bring your favourite patient , those who need help , or who come into your pharmacy and need extra support to manage their lives better .

As a Family-mamber, care-giver or patient join our sessions with you nurse, doctor or physiotherapist.They want to work with you and help you overcome the problems you find living with a chronic disease.

Experts in digital healthcare will answer your questions, we will work together in areas where we can show you how to make the most of these digital resources,, what they mean to test your lung health, understand your weight better, manage your condition and improve your activity.

All guided by our team and the healthcare professionals most interested in working in the digital health era, acquiring skillsets to guide their patients or those in their community who need more support and care solutionsl

Join us and participate in a dynamic day in which the patient is at the heart of things and the healthcare professional is prepared for this new era.

Oxygentherapy users are welcome to attend or their care-givers. Please just let us know your needs in advance.

Our goals

Empower patients prioritizing respiratory disease with co-morbidities that occur, in long-term conditions in the digital health era, showcasing the advantages that these sort of services, devices or applications can offer them. Learn more and test out these tools, to see how they can improve their health, self-care and contribute to a safe home environment with better support and guidance. Understand their role as partners in research in the future.

Train healthcare professionals in new skillsets using digital health tools or programs for better activity, adherence to treatment and care support for patients in their own home environments.

Who are we engaging with?

Patients, family members, care-givers and patient organization representatives who would like to know more about services, apps and devices which provide digital health and care support to enable their empowerment, understanding, education for their healthcare needs, independence and wellness. Explaining their potential role in R&D as partners in discovering new treatments, solutions and therapies for the future.

The events are particularly addressed to respiratory patients and oxygen therapy users.

Healthcare professionals, including community pharmacists who are learning to work with patients in self-care and active lifestyles and what this means as a new way of engaging with patients. Young healthcare professionals from colleges or academic institutions who are training in new skillsets in chronic disease management and improved activity, patient motivation and behaviour change, adherence, quality of life and well-being with support from digital health tools. (Nurses, respiratory physiotherapists, doctors, pharmacists, etc).

Industry and SMEs who have digital services, apps or devices which are validated or tested in the community with promising results: demonstrating how they work, what they can do to help patients or care-givers and family members, to improve their quality of life in their daily lives.

IT service providers in health & care support who are managing clinical data platforms connected to apps or devices and contribute to their safety, quality of life and better understanding of disease management.

Upcoming dates


When: Wednesday, 15th November 2017
Where: Fundación Valentín Madariaga. Avenida de María Luisa s/n. 41013.


When: Wednesday, 22th November 2017
Where: Centro Cívico Pati Llimona. Carrer Regomir 3, 08002.

How to participate?

    My profile

    Name and Surename



    Select city

    Would you like to show your devices, collaborate or co-sponsor our events?

    • If you are a company or organization interested in showing the usability of your app, devices or specialized R&D;


    • Or If you are a company or organization interested in collaborating or sponsoring these events, which we are planning to launch in more Spanish cities in 2018,


    Please contact with us and we will offer you different options:

    leonorperez@lovexair.com / +34 649 962 392
    nataliaquintela@lovexair.com / +34 679 766 558

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